Sunday, April 21, 2013


This weekend I did more reading of the Nick Adams stories and Rilke’s letters. Hemingway writes in very short sentences. Very powerfully, though. That’s the point. I realize that sometimes I get poetic and metaphorical to the point where some of my sentences and points are hard to follow, and I am trying to be aware of that in my writing. I want to be sure that each individual sentence makes sense. I also have started drafting about the concept of being alone. Thank you Rilke for the inspiration. About two hours this weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Kacey, I am glad the Hemingway has resonated with you and you see the power of his simplicity. Were there any stories you admired more than others? You should read Alice Munro next. She's amazing, and she's still alive and living in Canada.
